Being There!

The Mind Travel Experience

Think You Can Imagine the Mind Travel Experience?
Well... think again!

If our eye-quality camera can convince your brain that you are there, then it really doesn’t matter where your body is…

Trying to explain what it feels like to be somewhere other than where you physically are is like trying to explain the experience of sight to someone who has never opened their eyes.  While walking on the moon and looking back at the earth on December 11, 1972, astronaut Harrison Schmitt said it well; “You have to be there to really know what it’s like.”  

Now for the first time, with MTT’s new camera system you will be able to experience what Harrison was talking about.  You will know what it really feels like to stand on the moon and look back at the earth.  The only difference is you won’t need a spacesuit.

Perhaps one concept that might come close to explaining “mind travel” could be the idea of an out-of-body experience.  You are there but you know your body is somewhere else.  Another idea might be from the movie “Ghost.”  You are there but you can’t touch anything.  Not yet, anyway.

There are no words capable of explaining the mind travel experience. The only one that even comes close is "Wow!"

Like Traveling Back in a Time Machine

Re-Experiencing Reality in Eye-Quality 360

When one tries to imagine traveling with just your mind it is about much more than just instant travel through space.  MTT’s new camera has the power to literally “capture time” by transforming reality into the same type of informational stream the mind uses to perceive reality.  Suddenly you find yourself sitting at the same table you once sat at during a family reunion that may have taken place 25-years ago.  Unlike faded and long forgotten memories, the experience of being there again with the same experiential fidelity you originally experienced will reconnect many of the original memories of what it was really like to be there.  It will truly feel like you have traveled back in time and are actually there once again.

Unlike reminiscing with a family album or videos taken on the latest iPhone, traveling back to MTT recorded events will effectively take you back in time where you can experience the event again and again as if you had just stepped out of a time machine.  And each time you go back, the experience will never be quite the same as you look around and discover different things you never noticed before.  For example, the real reason Aunt Sally smiled at you was not because she was just being friendly but rather because she saw you feeding the dog under the table. 

Capturing events in Eye-Quality and effectively freezing them in time with the same fidelity our minds use to experience the world around us is something that has never been done before.  It is a technological advance of such mammoth proportions it will have wide ranging impacts on almost every aspect of our lives.  And recording events with MTT’s new camera today will allow future generations to travel back in time and catch a glimpse at what it was really like living back in 2025.

Unless you have a level of imagination well beyond the rest of us, you will have to experience “mind travel” firsthand before you can fully comprehend what it will actually be like.  An endless stream of “Wows!” and smiles of amazement will soon become the typical response to the mind blowing experience of “mind travel.”    

Consumer Model Cameras

Mind Travel Technologies plans to release a $1000 version of our camera for blogging, video conferencing, home movies and more that will make our advanced 360 experience available to everyone.  This will give you the chance to get out of your home office and take friends, family, clients or co-workers with you to your favorite fun spots for those formal or informal get-togethers.  No more boring evenings or lack of memorable experiences with old and new friends.  Be there!

Guided 360 Tours

MTT forecasts the birth of a whole new cottage industry of 360 guided tours within the next 5-years. Millions of locals from around the world will show you their cities, hottest nightclubs, tourist spots and more. Pay a small fee for their service or just buy your guide a coffee or something stronger from the rather classy bar he just took you into. Great atmosphere.

Guided 360 Tours

MTT forecasts the birth of a whole new cottage industry of 360 guided tours within the next 5-years. Millions of locals from around the world will show you their cities, hottest nightclubs, tourist spots and more. Pay a small fee for their service or just buy your guide a coffee or something stronger from the rather classy bar he just took you into. Great atmosphere.

Street View on Steriods

If you have ever enjoyed exploring different places using Google Map's "Street View" then you are in for a real treat over what's coming next. Imagine the "being there" experience as you take a road trip around Europe in eye-quality 360. Invite friends to come along so you can see their expressions as you look out over Paris from the top of the Eifel Tower.

"Eye-Quality" Walmart Specials

Don't want to miss that super sale at your favorite store but you don't have time to go there? No problem. Walk down the aisle in eye-quality 360 and you will never miss a sale again. After the clerk demos the product just tell him to ship it next day delivery.

Safe Skydiving

Imagine the new adventures that will soon await you. Your friends invite you to go skydiving but the idea of jumping out of a plane is not your cup of tea. Don't worry. The instructor just invited you to tag along in immersive 360 from the safety and comfort of your living room... Chicken!

High Fidelity Memories

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