The Camera

Eye-Quality 360° Video

World's first camera that sees the way you do.

It has happened to us all. You spot something big, beautiful and visually impressive and snap a picture of it. Then you go to the photograph or video and suddenly one thing becomes abundantly clear. No matter how expensive your camera, it never really captures the same visual experience you see through your own eyes. Shaped by billions of years of evolution, our eyes capture an incredible amount of visual information from the world around us far beyond anything that today’s cameras can record.

The history of camera development has always been driven by the goal of trying to recreate what we originally saw with our eyes. But nothing has ever existed that even comes close to replicating the dynamic nature of human vision. That is until now.

The problem with today’s cameras and viewing devices is that they fail to accurately replicate not only the quality we see with our eyes but the dynamic nature of how our eyes actually see.  This applies to everything from the latest flat screen TVs to the most advanced HMDs and highest resolution 3D cameras. 

What makes this worse is that today’s batch of head mounted displays cause some level of viewer discomfort ranging anywhere from eye-strain to nausea as the mind struggles to translate inaccurate visual information into a familiar sense of presence. And as bad as that is, things aren’t going to get much better using the same basic camera designs originally developed by Nicéphore Niépce in 1816.

Before we can develop new display technologies capable of accurately emulating the experience of human sight we must first develop the camera capable of capturing what the eyes are used to seeing. It is the output from such a camera that will ultimately drive the development and new imaging standards behind next generation HMDs and other eye-quality devices. That day is approaching and will be here sooner than most might imagine.

Mind Travel Technologies is in stealth mode and can’t reveal too much about how our camera works, but in the simplest terms, information-rich optical imaging enables MTT’s camera to record 5D multidimensional images the same way our minds are used to perceiving the world around us. And by mimicking the dynamic nature of human vision we have opened the door to a totally new era of cinematic possibilities not only capable of duplicating the human visual experience of presence, but also expanding and enhancing it in ways that today, we can only imagine.

Resolution, color, dynamic range and overall picture quality all at or beyond the range of human perception. New and enhanced visual capabilities that will enable us to intuitively see father, see closer, see clearer, see into, over and through things that will widen countless eyes in disbelief as excited smiles of amazement cross billions of faces. “Wow I can’t believe this!” will become the typical response to the first experience of “mind travel.”

The world offers so much to see and experience and we have only scratched the surface of what is possible.  This could turn out to be one of the biggest tech revolutions ever.  Nothing we have seen or experienced during our lifetimes will have a more profound effect upon expanding the reach of our senses than MTT’s revolutionary new camera.  

It truly will change the world…   BE THERE!

Numbers Speak For Themselves

4 K
F-Stops Dynamic Range
Frames Per Sec

Additional Features

Future-Proof Image Quality

A huge amount of investment goes into making films and other types of media content.  With MTT’s new Eye-Quality Camera, content creators will no longer have to worry about next year’s cameras making their recorded content old or outdated.  Once you record as much visual information as the human eye is capable of perceiving, you will have reached the limits of technological advancement where more resolution, fidelity etc. is wasted since it is beyond perception.  That’s why our camera’s recordings are not only future proof but well worth the camera’s $1 million price.

Mind Sight Design Model

Capturing and recording eye-quality images is only half of what is required to fully emulate the dynamic nature of how we perceive the external world.  Our camera’s groundbreaking design records much more than just a series of still images that are strung together into a video.  Instead, we use proprietary ai to focus in on individual points of interest that are assembled into composite scenes of the world around us.  Only through mirroring the dynamic nature of human vision are we able to capture enough visual information to replicate the mind’s experience of “being there.”  And by emulating nature’s design we also virtually eliminate uncomfortable HMD viewing experiences.

Universal Format Live Streaming

Our camera is designed for portable in-field operations with the ability to output multiple formats simultaneously within a single live stream. Need an 8k 2D stream for the evening news or NBA playoffs that also outputs to the latest Oculus headset?  No problem. You’ll only need one camera to broadcast live to everyone in your audience no matter what they are using to view your content. No noise low light recording, super-resolution, 21-stops dynamic range and a host of other new features that we can’t reveal yet will usher in the world’s most advanced camera.  Be there!

World's First Camera Powered by a Mini-Supercomputer...

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