Fighting Fake News with a New Camera

Believe it or not, they actually have a word for what’s behind the recent epidemic of fake news. Agnotology is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, typically to sell a product or win favour often through the publication of inaccurate or misleading information. A good example of this was when the tobacco industry paid scientists to run studies designed to cast doubt over whether smoking caused cancer when tobacco industry execs knew full well that overwhelming scientific data clearly said it did. More recent examples would be the false claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged or that the Covid pandemic was all a hoax.

Though social media companies such as Meta struggle to figure out how to patrol and minimize misinformation on their platforms, weighing the rights of free speech against the need to protect the public makes it an almost impossible task. But what if the public could actually be there and see for themselves the reality that everyone is talking about. There is nothing like being a firsthand eyewitness to events that has the power to extinguish rumors or the tainted opinions of others that go against what you know you actually saw. And nothing can provide a more accurate and realistic firsthand experience than a totally new generation of Eye-Quality 360 cameras.

Soon many if not most of us will experience news as a firsthand eyewitness who was actually there at the scene. It won’t be through someone else’s eyes or the shot the news cameraman decided you should see with a lot you never see happening just outside the frame. The fact is that we depend heavily upon the news media to function as our window to the world. It is very important that we get an accurate picture of what is going on just outside that window because so much of it does or could directly affect us and our families. But today, so much of what we see under the false banner of news contains little if any journalistic integrity. Ratings and profits shape and color much of the sensationalized nonsense we are exposed to and indeed indoctrinated with on a daily basis.

Mind Travel Technologies’ new eye-quality cameras are about to pave the way for a whole new generation of news programming. One where you, the audience are at the scene and can see for yourself what’s really going on around your neighborhood and around the world. Soon it won’t be so easy to fool a well informed knowledgeable public who really knows what they are talking about. They should. They were there.

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