
Mind Travel Technologies

Advancing the way we experience reality...

Huge Market

$Billions in new 360 content made with MTT cameras will soon replace traditional TV, movies and 2d internet content.

First Mover Advantage

Being first to market with the world's first Eye-Quality Camera puts MTT well ahead of potential competition.

Explosive Growth

MTT's Eye-Quality 360 cameras will make front page news due to exploding global interest in real world virtual presence.

High Returns

Projections show an IRR of 189% with an MPV of $159,661,530 in less that 5 years.

Future Proof Technology

MTT will set new industry standards powering tomorrow's Eye-Quality displays.

Social Benefit

Eye-Quality 360 will help drive unifying global understandings of one world one people.

Business Plan

Beyond the Metaverse... Something Bigger is Coming

Reality Based Virtual Presence

MTT’s business plan centers around a new type of camera.  A camera that captures the full scope of being somewhere with such high fidelity that viewers will not be able to tell the difference between perceiving reality through their senses and experiencing the same thing with MTT’s camera.  The goal is to introduce disruptive  technology that opens the door to the ultimate form of virtual travel where you experience being somewhere without needing to be physically present. 

MTT’s approach to designing a camera that captures reality only became possible after looking beyond conventional thinking to what could be possible if you combined newly emerging technologies.  By focusing only on whether it is possible to build a camera that captures the full fidelity of the human experience of presence, MTT was able to design such a camera.  But is such a camera really possible and if so, how would you build it?

To answer these questions, MTT took its new design ideas to two of the world’s leading engineering firms.  After spending many hours with diverse teams of engineers looking at various aspects of the design, both companies concluded that it was not only possible to build MTT’s camera, but offered proposals to build it for us.

The impact this new type of camera will have on all of us is staggering and could rightfully be compared to the introduction of television.  It’s probably even bigger and more consequential than that.  This camera will eventually replace most forms of 2d viewing with the experience of instant travel to the location of the camera.  With this new camera technology, you won’t just watch a movie.  You will feel like you are there with Dorothy as she walks down the yellow brick road to OZ.  You will be there on the tracks with the train bearing down on you in the updated version of “Stand By Me.”  It will open entirely new markets where you can attend the Superbowl or a concert and experience the exact same sensations of being there from the comfort of your living room.  It will completely transform education, medicine, entertainment, and countless other experiences.  It will open countless new doors to the world we were born into most of which we never get to experience firsthand.

Unparalleled Growth Potential

Research firm PwC anticipates global revenue from media and entertainment will reach an estimated $2.6 trillion by 2023.  New Virtual Travel(VT) applications have the potential to greatly expand media revenues going forward with VT content taking an increasing share of those revenues not long after MTT releases its camera.

Concept Drawing of Future Oculus

Removing Roadblocks to Virtual Travel

The thing that has held back VR, AR and other virtual experience products from mainstream acceptance are the uncomfortable viewing experiences.  This is especially true when it comes to today’s batch of 360 degree cameras that don’t even come close to replicating what the eyes are used to seeing in the real world.  

MTT’s “Eye-Quality” technology will eliminate headset discomfort and enable ciliary muscles in the eyes to relax by providing the exact same view they are used to seeing in the real world.  MTT will lead the way in developing new Eye-Quality viewing standards through a camera design that not only mirrors the dynamic nature of human vision but meets or exceeds the perceptual specifications of both eyes and ears.  

Business Insider forecast that the Metaverse industry is about to grow into a multi-trillion dollar opportunity.  But even this forecast seems to overlook the sleeping giant that MTT will introduce to an eagerly awaiting public.  It’s not the Metaverse but rather real world virtual travel or being able to be somewhere without physically being there.

Potential Strategic Partners

MTT Market - Competition - Projections
Pitch Deck - Business Plan - Who We Are

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