The 360° Birthday Party

In 40-years when you are feeling a bit nostalgic and decide to watch some old 360 family videos, the experience will be totally different from anything available today.  Most notably, you will actually be there once again in the same room with the same people as you were let’s say 30-years ago.  And as you look around the room you quickly recognize your dad with his smiling face looking down at you.   Even though he died a couple of years ago, here he is once again standing right in front of you like you traveled back in time.  And though you have seen this immersive video many times before, each time you experience being there again you notice things around you that you never noticed before.  Like your best friend in the back of the room reaching into his pocket and giving your mom something that later turned out to be a birthday present.  And if all of this doesn’t feel a bit surreal, you are standing in your old living room looking into the wide eyes of the little boy you used to be.  And as the memories come rushing back of you at 6, you take a little solace in the fact that this is one memory that will never be forgotten as long as you can return and be there again and again.

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